The Altar

of Beauty

Life as A Ceremony. Self Love As The Ritual

From The Earth, With Love

Peace To Body, Spirit & Mind

Anchoring in Presence, Embodiment and Integration towards Wholeness of Being. The healing, the power, and sovereignty into our own hands. Freedom of Being.

“I am here to guide you into the embrace and remembrance of your Essence ~ Love.”


Here and Now

Still The Mind

Meditation, breath, and mindful presence practices to bring inner stillness, spaciousness, and a profound deepening of awareness.

Balance Life

Connecting with the energy ~ emotions within. Alchemizing, synergizing. Reprograming the Mind – Body. Regulating nervous system.


Movement (Asanas) and inner Union (form and formless) embody true Yoga. Ritual, Ceremony, and Intentional living are essential.

Nature Connection

Herbal support, nurturing plant allies, and a deep connection with the Earth foster listening and receptivity. This embodies the essence of Earth.


Retreats & Group Immersions

Nature Goddess Retreat
Costa Rica
The Sacred Tremor of Shakti — Energy is here in your Power, Goddess!
Wellness VedicRetreat

Ayurvedic Wellness Retreat. #Yoga #Culture #Prevention #Healing #Rejuvenation

Various Locations
Private & Group Immersions. #Nature-Therapy #Breath #Somatic #Spiritual #Embodiment






Discover New Way Of Healing!

Gaining profound wisdom and undergoing a transformative journey.

Your Facilitators

Mentors for your Personal Journey

Zlatka Cholakova

Personal Mentor

Mila Todorova

Mystic Herbalist

Ahisha Dasi

Vocal Activation

Like CBD Soup For The Soul…

Soul Sea Botanicals

How can one describe the soul? Where is it located, and where does it go? Big questions are suited for an infinite cosmos. A place we all search for at one level or another. We seek it in the earth, in the air, in the water, and all around us. Soul Sea Botanicals might be an essential link between womankind and the universe as one. 

Handmade in ceremony, prayer, and devotion.
#Body #CBD #Elixir #Salve


Sign up for the "Nature Immersion Retreat"

In our time together, we get to embark on daily practices:

  • Nature Therapy
  • Breath 
  • Stillness and Movement
  • Somatic Energy Healing
  • Spiritual Ecology
  • Integration
  • Embodiment