My Dharma is to support the awakening of humanity
My Dharma is to support the awakening of humanity, of who we truly are. To activate the freedom, joy, creative and authentic expression.
Walking each other Home.
Awake in the dream.
Dreaming Awake.
Coming into Union with the Soul and Human. Feminine and Masculine Energy.
Shadow and Light. Full spectrum of Life.
Alchemy. Wholeness. Holiness.
Embodiment and Integration.
Self Love As The Foundation Of Wellness.
Living ~ in communion with the Now presence. Full spectrum of existence. Denying nothing, welcoming everything. In Love.

Now Offering
Private Sessions
Individual Sessions:
90 minutes
30 minute(free discovery call)
3 month
Embodiment & Integration of Soul Essence ~ Living in Purpose and Clearing What’s on the Way of This Freedom.
Flexible Scheduling:
Choose a time that fits your lifestyle, with options for different durations to accommodate your needs.
What can we bring forth in your Life?
Creating a foundational base of Well Being ~ Mind, Body, Soul.
Connection with your Intuition, Nature, Inner voice, Purpose, Life Force Energy, Creativity and Inspiration.
Unconscious and subconscious reprogramming. Shadow and Light work.
Emotional Maturity – your awareness operates, even during the most profound emotional states. The capacity to feel and be with your emotions, understand them and alchemize them in ways that are supportive for you and your life. Moving from reactivity to responsibility (Response Able)
Epigenetics clearing. Releasing parental and ancestral imprints within your DNA and cells structure. Embracing the shadow fragmented parts in loving compassion, understanding and acceptance.
Ability to live from the Heart, make choices that are in alignment with your joy, your passion, what feels good uniquely to you.
Awareness of energy, establishing a sovereign state of Being from your environment, which supports you to be deeply anchored in your authentic expression and your gifts that are meant to be shared with the world. Interdependency. Anchoring Presence.
How can we support the anchoring?
Embodiment practices – meditation, breath, movement, dance, authentic relating, somatic energy work.
Inner Child Work ~ accessing the root cause of the patterns, triggers, emotions, belief systems that come in the way of your true authentic Being to express itself.
Unconscious ~ Subconscious ~ Conscious reprogramming to align you with your Soul and the wisdom of your Heart.
Dream work, Shamanic Journeys and Visualizations.
Plant medicine – working with herbs, and other plants (if open) in a deep ceremonial way, that will bring synergy into your well being, support misalignments, help improve the functioning of your body and energy as well as your connection with Nature and your inner Nature.
Plans: Beginning the journey : Weekly
Going deep: 3 months – Once a week 120 min session plus support on the side with herbs and guidance.
Online or In Person (Currently in Austin, TX)
Open to travel upon request.
SoulSea Botanicals ~ From The Earth, With Love
SoulSea Botanicals Story
My story with the plants is a story of coming home into the heart, my remembrance of who I am, in deepening my connection with the earthly body as a sacred vessel from where the Divine is operating through. In the awakening of my connection with Nature and me as Nature herself.
When I first came into communion with the herbal allies I had already been in practice of meditation, while also working with Santa Maria(cannabis). My experience with meditation to this point was more on a level of up and out of the body type of connection. Later to realize, that was a type of an escape I would engage in from this life and physical reality. Later to find out, it is all about down and in the body integrating and grounding. Awakening.

They often will show in the same chakras in the body as different plants indeed carry different energetics to align and tune us up as tuning forks. The first two herbs in our first two days together took me back into my birth place Bulgaria. This was also the first time I felt a spiritual connection with my roots and ancestry. Lots of firsts here. The first tea took me onto the streets of my grandparents’ village, I knew this smell so well, I was teleported to my childhood and the sweet essence, aroma that was for me when I played freely out. The plant embraced me, like a warm loving hug. Later to find out it is Linden – the trees grow in abundance in Bulgaria.
Second herb was and Is to this day my most dear ally – the Rose. Bulgarian (Damascana) rose too, vibrating at the highest frequency of all plants 320Mhz. There is a huge Valley of the Roses in Bulgaria where they grow, gather them and extract the essential oil. One drop of this is the sweetest, ecstatic Heart atonement to me.
My Story
of Beauty
Welcome to the discovery of your True Essence... Intentional living with deepening connection of oneself and the environment. Return to Love.

My vision is to bring education and sustainable ways of coming together within communities and creating spaces of love and healing, gardens to grow food and medicinal herbs, temple homes etc. My goal is to bring awareness to the collective of ways to empower each other and our sovereignty, while we deepen our connection as we come together in community and we steward the Earth, where the future generations can actually live off and thrive on a system that is sustainable and set on a secure foundation.
I naturally began guiding people on the path as that has been my own natural expression and daily focus for as long as I can remember. Bringing presence to the body, quitting the mind, returning to the breath, feeling the emotions that come and go so they can release, unraveling the subconscious patterns that create limitations of belief systems in the mind. Awareness, consciousness, beyond the mind, into the heart.
My heart’s desire has also naturally evolved in holding or creating such spaces for individuals or groups to come together. Rising in wellness, in connection and authenticity, in listening to our intuition, inner voice to feel, be and live on purpose. Nothing outside of us can fully fulfill us in my experience as long as we haven’t internally tended to ourselves, our self love and nourishment, filling our own cup in this secure strong connection, to then be shared with those around us in return. For this energy to keep amplifying, expanding, evolving and creating the New Earth. The change we want to see, starting with us.